Congratulations to Ted Summers who scored a 10 for 'Godrevey Lighthouse' and wins this round of our internal prints comp in Group 2.
Well done also to new member Jonathan Hood who came top in Group 1 with 'Mongolian Lady'.
The results were as follows (in order of score and the judge's preference):
GROUP 1 (Intermediate)
1st 'Mongolian Lady' by Jonathan Hood (score 10)
2nd 'Still Life' by John Ewer (10)
3rd 'End of the rainbow' by Jonathan Hood (9)
4th 'Parallell World' by John Ewer (9)
GROUP 2 (Advanced)
1st 'Godrevey Lighthouse' by Ted Summers (10)
2nd 'Reign is over' by Tim Rose (10)
3rd 'Springs' by Stu Mayhew (10)
4th 'Care in the community' by Dave Mason (9.5)
All the winning pictures will go through to our Prints final at the end of the season and will be available to view in the club gallery later this week.
AWPS would like to thank our judge for the evening Mike Dales