Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Winter Cup DPI - Round 3

The final round of our Winter Cup DPI took place on 3-12-13.
This was a mono-only round


 1st place: 'AWPS' by Ibrahim Voltan

2nd place: 'Cranes now silent' by Bob Lawrie

 3rd place: 'Girlfriend' by Julie Hercock

4th place: 'The Magic Carpet' by Wendy Howard


 1st place: 'Final touch' by Paul Parkinson LRPS

 2nd place: 'The road not taken' by Marshall Pinsent

3rd place: 'Lifeguard Station' by Ted Summers

4th place: 'Cycling in the snow' by Lesley Hall

Thank you to Carol White-Griffiths for judging the competition. All the images will be available to view on the club website later this week. The full score sheets will be available AFTER the announcement of the overall winners at the AWPS Christmas Dinner on 17 December.

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